Saturday, 1 August 2009

Morning has broken

Early this morning, besides my usual cup of coffee, I took my camera with me in our garden just before leaving for work. The scenery was superb with all the mist in the valley between our house and Ta' Pinu Sanctuary and eventually the early sunrise from over Zebbug.

The summer flowers from our garden were also lovely but with my cheap camera the focus was not at all incredibly good, but left a good impression on me anyway.

I shot these photos which I would like to share with you.



Sunday, 26 July 2009

X'hemm taħt il-faċċata

Kulldarba li għaddejt minn ħdejn xi billboard ta' GonziPN dejjem kelli l-kurżita' inkun naf kemm il-tubu ta' l-elettriku hemm taħt dawk l-istampi pittoreski.

Dan l-aħħar neħħew l-istampi sbieħ u ħallew biss dak li jidher taħt il-faċċata. B'hekk qtajt il-kurżita' meta għoddejt 38 tubu f'Billboard waħda biss.

Iva, Flimkien Kollox Possibbli. U żgur. Issa moħħi mistrieħ.