Saturday, 23 February 2008

A democratically elected Gozo Regional Council

A section of the AD Gozo Manifesto talks specifically about Gozo public administration towards a full democratic and transparent participation in decision-making. (Read more here)

Our interest in the island-region of Gozo comes before that of party politics.

Nowhere more than in Gozo has it become so clear that the ‘special favours’ political culture directly undermines the confidence ordinary citizens, business operators and their employees need in order to develop a strong and healthy local economy. This was my main contribution during a public debate I was invited to yesterday at the Circolo Gozitano.

Gozitans want and deserve better. We know that transformation can happen for the better.

Today, even those who have materially gained from the feudal favours system, crippling Gozo, realize that they are sliding downhill with everybody else. Gozo is ripe for a reform, which will propel it from an abandoned periphery of Malta to its most successful region. Although not yet represented in parliament, Alternattiva Demokratika, is already significantly influencing government policies for Gozo.

The greatest reform would be for Gozitans to be represented in Parliament by AD, a party characterized by long term, consistent commitment to the benefit of Gozo and the welfare of Gozitans.

Alternattiva Demokratika is committed to supporting Gozitans in safeguarding their island home from private greed. This also shows that AD has Gozo at heart and cares for it and all Gozitans.

Moreover, The Greens will endlessly work to increase Gozitan participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the electorate.

Once elected to parliament, Alternattiva Demokratika will embark upon a number of initiatives among which several administrative and organizational affairs will be addressed:

1. AD proposes the set-up of an inclusive Parliamentary Committee for Gozo Affairs made up of all Gozo’s MPs. The Standing Committee will ensure transparent and serious governance by the Ministry for Gozo;

2. Eliminate once and for all the prevalent stagnant clientelist nepotism and in its stead institute an administrative framework to inform and to guarantee the inalienable rights of all citizens and economic operators;

3. Set up an administrative structure to which Gozo residents can address their complaints and through which they can be informed on matters related to construction industry sites affecting directly their everyday life;

4. See that meritocracy replaces the prevailing practice of exclusive selection of ‘‘jobs-for-the party-boys-and-girls’;

5. Demand the enactment of the Whistleblower Act to ensure that those who have the courage of speaking up are not victimised;

6. Demand the enactment of a Freedom of Information Act – to ensure that all citizens are informed of the manner in which government through its politicians and civil servants is acting on its behalf;

7. Endeavour to set up new forms of political organisations aiming to expand the evolution of participatory democracy for Gozitans through direct citizens involvement in the decision-making process. A democratically elected Regional Council is completely in line with Green Politics;

8. Institute a legislative function, drawn from the Local Council Act, modified to eliminate reference to byelaws of government departments. This enables the Gozo Parliamentary Committee to raise issues regarding conflict of remit;

9. Based on effective democracy for Gozo and Gozitans, the executive of this Gozo Regional Council will appoint a 'head of ministry', to effectively administer the annual budget allocated to the Gozo Region.;

10. Formulate the legal framework for a Regional Status for Gozo. The concept of this Regional Statusis intended to gain more autonomy for Gozo as well as to acquire the legislative and executive potential based on effective democracy;

11. Encourage the close collaboration between the Gozo MPs of different leanings to optimise existing local human talent as oppose to wasting such resources simply because of varied political creeds;

12. Insert effective review mechanisms to ensure constant transparency. Gozo has inherent promising opportunities but also threats emanating from the omerta’ symptom and the structural weakness of social aggression. These challenges shall be explicitly addressed by AD for a better life and work environment in Gozo;

13. A Regional Institution to include a Public Registry, a Regional Police HeadQuarters with lock up cells, a fire brigade and Rescue Centre, Regional Attorney General office, Regional office for Local Government and any other departments which fall under the aegis of the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs;

14. Ensure a full manpower of police officers for Gozo;

15. Ensure all police stations are manned;

16. Guarantee the right of a fair, impartial and effective police protection for Gozitans in the course of their daily activities;

17. Certify that all ranks in the police force are entitled to modern training techniques, to be supported and equipped with the latest technological apparatus to provide a service of excellence;

18. Strive to obtain a fair, proportionate representation for Gozo voters in that the quota of Gozo’s MPs reflect the number of Gozo’s registered voters This means that Gozo should be allocated a sixth elected MP to its current five representatibes.

It-tmexxija t'Ghawdex u Xarabank

Kwazi kull Ghawdxi midhla tal-politika lokali jaf min hu s-Sur George Cremona.

"Issa li l-Prim Ministru qal li jrid jaghmel lill-Ghawdex gzira ekologika, tista' l-Ministru tghidilna dan xi jfisser?" staqsa is-Sur Cremona.

"Out of order. Bir-rispett kollu...hawnhekk mhux Bondi+ jew Xarabank. Insaqsu mistoqsijiet li ghandhom x'jaqsmu mas-suggett. Is-suggett hu dwar it-tmexxija t'Ghawdex" insista ic-chairman tal-panel l-avukat Grech.

U bqajna ghaddejjin bil-mistoqsijiet mill-udjenza pjuttost numeruza u risposti minn naha tal-panel.

Il-panel kien iffurmat minni bhala l-kelliem ta' l-AD ghal Ghawdex, Josie Muscat ta' l-AN, f'isem il-PN kellna lil Govanna Debono u l-avukat Refalo ghall-MLP.

Kulhadd qal il-veduti tieghu. Jien tkellimt dwar l-AD bhala l-aqwa ghodda ta' l-Ghawdxin ghall-tmexxija demokratika u kemm jista' jkun awtonoma f'Ghawdex mill-manifest ta' l-Alternattiva Demokratika dwar Ghawdex fost ohrajn. U kulhadd qal il-veduti tieghu. (tista tara l-veduti ta' l-AD billi taghfas HAWNHEKK)

Imma l-aktar li laqatni kien li wara li spicca d-dibattitu, mort jien fuq is-sur Cremona u bdejt inkellmu fuq l-idea li Ghawdex ikun Gzira ekologica. X'tahsbu li gara?

Is-Sur Cremona gie ala bieb il-hanzira xi tfisser griza ekologika u l-impjiegi marbuta ma' dal-progett ambizzjuz li ilha titkellem dwaru Alternattiva Demokratika ghal dawn l-ahhar snin. Is-sur Cremona ma kienx interessat ikun jaf. Lanqas biss ried jisma'.

Mela ghalfejn ried jistaqsi lil Ministru eh?

Tassew haseb li kien fuq Xarabank!

Friday, 22 February 2008

Difiza ta' l-ambjent ghal Xoghol ta' kwalita'

Il-Billboard tieghi f'Ghawdex qieghdha ezattament hdejn it-traffic lights tax-Xewkija - taht il-Mithna.

Sa' ftit jiem ilu l-messagg kien ' juzawk u jarmuk - ahna nistmawk dejjem'.

Ftit jiem ilu inbidel f'dan:

B'wicci minn quddiem nista' nghid li Alternattiva Demokrtika biss ghandha policies cari dwar il-futur ambjentali f'Ghawdex.

Kemm ilna nezistu bhala Kumitat Regjonali ta' l-AD Ghawdex, iltqajna ma mijiet ta' Ghawdxin fuq bazi individwali u qasmu mieghi esperjenzi ta' ngustizzji minn naha ta' Awtorita' li suppost tiehu hsieb l-ippjanar. Mijiet ta' Ghawdxin li sa ftit ilu kienu jxejjru imkatar homor jew blu' avvicinawna ghax jafu li ahna ma ninxtrawx. Jafu li l-fondi tal-partit taghna m'humiex gejjin minn ghand xi hadd b'sahhtu. Jafu li ahna genwinament jinteressawna nies li m'ghandhomx vuci, jew li l-vuci taghhom ma tinstemax jekk m'ghandhomx ir-rih fil-qala'.

Ghalfejn difiza ta' l-ambjent?
Ghax l-Ghawdxin jixirqilhom xoghol f'Ghawdex u xoghol ta' kwalita'

Ha nispjega ftit:

Kulhadd jaf li Ghawdex jigbed eluf ta' turisti u Maltin propju ghax Ghawdex sabih. X'fiha hazin allura li nzommu lil Ghawdex sabih?

Inzommu lil Ghawdex sabih mhux billi nehduha kontra kull tip ta' zvilupp jew kull tip ta' kostruzzjoni. Irridu li jsir zvilupp f'Ghawdex - imma rridu li jsir zvilupp bil-ghaqal. Ma rridux li Ghawdex jibqa' presepju imma lanqas irridu li Ghawdex isir Manhattan fil-Mediterran.

Minflok inkomplu innaqqru mill-kampanja taghna, hemm bzonn li nikkonvertu bini li huwa abbandunat u mitluq u jigu mibdula f'residenzi sbieh li jaqblu mall-karattru Ghawdxi.

Qatt rajt turisti jiehdu ritratti ta' faccata ta' xi dar sabiha tipikament Ghawdxija?

Qatt rajt turisti jiehdu ritratt ta' xi blokka gebubi ta' flettijiet vojta li ma joqghod fihom hadd hlief li jinkrew ftit jiem fis-sena lil xi erba' Maltin f'Santa Marija?

Mhux dan it-tip ta' xoghol irridu noffru lill-Ghawdxin, xoghol ta' seftur/a tahsel xi par lozor wara li alla jaf kif wiehed kera xi week-end lil xi familja Maltin.

L-ideat taghna ghal xoghol ta' kwalita' jinstabu fil-proposti taghna ghal Ghawdex. Nitolbok taghfas hawnhekk biex issir taf aktar.

Ilna s-snin nitkellmu dwar li Ghawdex ghandu jkun gzira ekologija b'holqien ta' mpjiegi godda u morderni. X'gara s'issa?

U nirrepeti dak li qed jistaqsuni n-nies:

X'ser jigri mir-Ramlaq, Ta' Cenc u Hondoq wara l-elezzjoni?

u jien nghidilhom: "Jiddependi mill-vot tieghek siheb"

Thursday, 21 February 2008

X''inhu l-futur ghar-Ramla, Ta' Cenc u Hondoq? - jiddependi mill-VOT tieghek.

Ta' Cenc Ir-Ramla u Hondoq (click on photos to enlarge the natural beauty of Gozo)

Mistoqsija komuni li qed jistaqsuni l-Ghawdxin waqt il-home visits hija din:

"X'jigri mir-Ramla, Ta' Cenc u Hondoq jekk l-Ghawdxin ma jivvutawlekx bi hgarhom u tkun fil-parlament?"

u jien nghidilhom hekk:

Il-proposta dwar Ta' Cenc terga tqum minn bejn l-imwiet

L-applikant/i tar-Ramla villas jergghu japplikaw taht skema ohra

u Hondoq ir-Rummien jeqirduh f'hakka t'ghajn minn taht ghajnejn in-nies

f'IDEJKOM ISSA hbieb.... kulhadd jaf li jien urejt ENTUZJAZMU biex insalvaw lil Ghawdex mhux biss f'dawn il-granet ta' qabel l-elezzjoni.

Anzi, jekk tridu tkunu tafu aktar x'qed nipproponi ghall- Ta' Cenc , ir-Ramla u Hondoq aghfas HAWN.


Wednesday, 20 February 2008

They say that AD wants to form a coalition with the MLP?

They say that AD wants to form a coalition with the MLP?

AD will form a coalition with the major political party which agrees with its priorities for the country as published in AD’s manifesto. These points have been made public for the sake of transparency and public scrutiny and may be viewed here

Also watch this video:

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Din id-darba Alternattiva

Habib taghna baghtilna din il-poezija. Ara tghogbokx. Lili ghogbitni ferm.

Din id-darba Alternattiva

Din id-darba Alternattiva
se nivvota kif nixtieq.
Mhux lin-nies li gà bieghuna
li jaghtuna biss bis-sieq.

Mhux se nitfa l-vot fil-kaxxa
biex igawdu l-ftit ta’ gewwa.
Se nivvota Alternattiva
ghax kapaci w jghidu s-sewwa.

Mhux se ntih lill-kuntratturi
mhux se npaxxi l-kaccaturi
mhux se ncedi ’l dawk li saqu
qishom gaffa minn fuq rasi
mhux se ntih ’il min ga staghna
minn fuq dahar it-taxxi taghna
mhux se ntih lic-caqnijiet
biex nitmermer hawn fis-skiet.

Jien dad-dritt mhux se ncedih.
Dan il-vot mhux se nahlih.

Ma nibzax minn popli ohra
mit-twemmin u mill-kulur
Imma nibza’ mir-razzizmu,
mill-mibgħeda, mit-terrur

Ma nibzax mid-differenzi
il-bnedmin hekk maghmulin.
Ahna kollha lwien f’qawsalla
li jixghelu lil xulxin.

Jien did-darba rrid il-bidla
mhux politka tat-tpacpic
mhux min jiflah tih ha jhawwel
go dar-renju tat-tghaffig.

Dal-vot tieghi, xejn hlief tieghi,
u se naghmel bih li rrid.
Tghid mhux se naghtih lill-klikka
li staghniet ghax tal-partit?!

Tista’ toqghod hemm titbissem,
Tista’ tidhaq, int, kemm trid...
Se nivvota Alternattiva
biex ghal darba nghid li rrid.

Jien irrid partit li jahdem
biex dal-bini ma jkomplix
biex din l-arja tkun nadifa
biex l-iskart ma jordomnix.
Biex inharsu dil-kampanja
Biex fis-sema nara t-tajr
biex il-bahar ma jkunx mandra...
Dal-partit, avolja zghir,
ghandu l-hila, l-konvinzjoni
ghandu l-gazz, ghandu l-vizjoni.

Din id-darba Alternattiva:
Tghid li trid it-Times li ghandna.
Jghid li jrid xi Fr. Peter,
hawn eluf li xebghu bhalna.

Mhux se nahli l-vot did-darba
fuq xi kiesah b’mohh ta’ bott
fuq xi hadd li bena Malta
fuq xi pampalun korrott
fuq mudell ta’ l-arroganza
fuq min ligi mhemmx ghalih
fuq min jhedded u jitpastaz -
jien dal-vot mhux se nahlih

Din id-darba Alternattiva
ghazla bhalhom zgur li mhemmx.
Din id-darba Alternattiva
forsi fl-ahhar titla ix-xemx!

Nistiednek tisma' u tara bicca minn dal-vidjow.

Monday, 18 February 2008

The blessed report

Carmel Cacopardo, an Alternattiva Demokratika candidate who used to work at the Mepa audit office published the Mepa preliminary audit report into the redevelopment of the Sant’ Antnin waste recycling plant in Marsascala.

Party leader Harry Vassallo said it was shameful that Mepa, which was there to protect the community, had not published the report.

Others have different views of course.

It seems that there are still some people in 2008 Malta who are prepared to defend the government even when it acts against the basics of democracy: TRANSPARENCY.

I particularly liked the comment by certain Dion Borg on the Times of Malta. He wrote:

"This blessed report is ultimately financed by taxpayers, and thus is owned by the people, and its purpose was supposedly to safeguard our common interest – read, no government’s or any other (sic) ‘citizen-serving’ institution’s interest.

Throughout this saga, govt and its quangos strived to keep independent information shrouded from the public domain, although it is of public concern… and only a few weeks ago Carmel Cacopardo was ‘not allowed’ to comment on the report during a hearing at the Court of Justice!

I believe that Carmel Cacopardo, acting morally, factually demonstrated his strong character and that his ultimate alliance is to the people and not to the quango and/or govt which pays lip service of holding Malta’s interest at heart. He has done so even at his own personal peril, of being sued (from misused public funds) for making public, a report which is in the public’s interest – although the condemning parties stand more to lose from taking this matter further.

Carmel Cacopardo has upheld Transparency, when both the MLPN have cheekily kept the status quo on the vile anonymous Party Financing, wherein they shed all their bloated ethics and readily accept hefty (yet un-quantified) ‘donations’ from tycoons who obviously know how to invest their funds.

In most European true democracies, Carmel Cacopardo would avail of a long overdue Whistleblower Act, whilst Political Parties accepting undisclosed payments will be prosecuted… however in supposedly EU Malta, dominated by the MLPN dual dictatorship - things are slightly different!

I believe Malta would be a much better place with more Cacopardos around at more effective offices!"

and I fully agree.

rumors - Thank God Gozitans are wise enough!

They say that a coalition is impossible because of the recent changes to the electoral law.

A coalition government is possible when either of the major parties does not obtain an absolute majority (50% plus 1). In this case, and with AD having elected a representative/s, the party having a relative majority may link up with AD to form a coalition government.

They say that AD wants to form a coalition with the MLP?

AD will form a coalition with the major political party which agrees with its priorities for the country as published in AD’s manifesto. These points have been made public for the sake of transparency and public scrutiny and may be viewed on

Kampanja ta' gideb u biza', issa f'Ghawdex ukoll

Mhux biss fid-djar tan-nies li jghixu fl-10 u d-9 distrett izda issa wkoll fit-13-il distrett, voldieri f'Ghawdex.

Marru fuqu l-familjari ta' wiehed mill-kandidati tal-PN u tghidx xi priedka ghamlulu biex ma jmurx jaghti xi vot lili.

Qalli: "Gabuni tifel zghir. Qaluli biex lanqas it-2 jew it-3 jew il-4 ma naghti lill-Kandidat ta' l-Alternattiva"

Jien: "Veru jew?"

Qalli: "Xejn... anzi qaluli biex jekk jien imdejjaq bin-Nazzjonalisti, ahjar nivvota lil xi hadd minn tal-Lejber milli naghti xi vot lil ta' l-Alternattiva"

Jien: "U x'ghidtilhom"

Qalli: "Ghidtilhom li int tigi minni u kont qed nahseb li almenu jhalluni bi kwieti"

Jien: "Nahseb li nhasdu x'hin ghidtilhom li tigi minni"

Qalli: "Lanqas xejn ma nhasdu. Kienu qed jistennewni nghidilhom hekk anzi, ghamluli priedka biex nivvota lejber basta mhux lil ta' l-Alternattiva."

X'tahsbu eh? arroganza jew perswazzjoni?

Stejjer bhal dawn jaghmlu l-politika mahmuga. Minn servizz igibu l-politika hmieg. Minn banda tajjeb tohrog il-verita' minn qalb certu nies li jilghabuha tal-martri quddiem l-interess ta' Ghawdex.

Isma d-diskors taghna kemm hu differenti. Il-Vot tieghek mhux ta' l-AD jew il-PN jew l-AN jew l-MLP. Il-vot tieghek m'hu ta' ebda partit, lanqas m'hu tan-nanna jew tal-buznanna.

Int taf li jekk tivvota lili, jien ser nahdem ghall-interess ta' Ghawdex u mhux ghal tal-qalba. Jekk trid hekk, nirringrazzjak tal-vot.

Jekk tahseb li hrigt ghonqi niddefendi lill-diversi residenti u setturi f'Ghawdex matul dawn l-ahhar snin, ghamilt dan ghal xi gwadann personali; allura tivvotalix.

Ivvota u gib bidla fil-mentalita'. Grazzi hafna tal-vot tieghek.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Beware: in the name of God

Il-Qassis Secerdot il-Wisq Reverendu Fr. Peter Serracino Inglott, jispjega ghaliex HU ghazel lil Pullicino bhala l-Ministru ta' l-Ambjent!

The chances for AD to be elected to parliament

A doctor and a friend of mine visited me last night. I got a cold so I have to be careful.

"What are the Gozitans saying Dott?" I asked.

"Well, as you know, I do not follow politics throughout the year, but I do follow a bit during these days before the election. One new thing I noticed this year. Like never before the PN are worrying too much about AD being elected to parliament. I know that during home visits, they are telling people lies about voting AD. One of the lies is 'vote AD means voting labour'. I think that such stupid statements will backfire and AD will get more and more support from the intelligent voter, namely from the floating voters."

"It will backfire....treating people stupid is no good"

"Get well soon"

They say that it is impossible for AD to be elected to Parliament.

If approximately 2500 in one district vote for AD then it is very likely that AD will elect a member to Parliament. Considering that AD has been working very hard to explain and promote its vision for a coalition government for all the Maltese people, the prospects of this happening are very good.

Why vote AD?

They say that people vote AD to teach the PN a lesson. Is this true?

Voters vote the way they do for a variety of reasons. They vote for a party such as AD which has been consistent and honest regarding a number of issues such as its pro-EU stance, need for a culture change, environmental and economical improvements, civil rights and integrity in public dealings. If another party has not been consistent or credible about these issue it is natural that voters will not be inclined to vote for it. After all votes have to be earned and no party is automatically entitled to votes regardless of its performance in the 5 years between elections.

Watch just but one example:

Please check if your Vote belongs to you. (2)

They say that a vote for AD is a wasted vote.

This is yet again a false statement. Our voting system allows voters to ensure that their vote is not lost or wasted. By voting for AD and then continuing to vote for other candidates from other parties, one ensures that if the AD candidate is not elected, the second preference candidate will “inherit” his vote and has a chance of being elected. AD welcomes cross-party voting and encourages voters to give their 2nd or any subsequent preference to other favoured political parties. This would ensure that no vote is wasted.

Tahlix il-Vot. Ara kif: