Thursday, 11 September 2008

'Foreigners' asked to help 'foreign' players

A 'foreign' player for the Grab Ranger Football Club costs 300 a month plus incidental expenses, for nine months, September 08 to May 09.

A local, representing the Club is not having much luck with the locals when it comes to collecting the money to employ the 'foreign' player in order to bring the team up to strength.

Apparently no Gozitan in the village is willing to help and the club is now approaching "foreigners" (as they are still called here) for
funds. One of these "foreigners" has guaranteed to make up the difference if the club is unable to raise the full cost. Others agreed to a monthly donation and will speak with other ex-pats who may be willing to do the same.

The point of this note is that the club representative said: "Gozitans will pay up thousands of Euros for fireworks or the church when the priest asks them, but they won't pay for local sport."

In view of a letter to the Times about fireworks and EU Food Aid for Gharb residents, (READ HERE) I agreed that this blog entry will do well as a follow-up of the eventualities.

It is also interesting how some locals are ready to approach the 'foreigners' for money and yet expect them to shut up when they speak up or write about the quality of life in our islands. Some extreme nationalistic locals even regard these EU residents in our islands as 'Aliens' - READ HERE.

Apparently not when it comes for money and donations! Ironic is it?

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Happy Birthday to me :)

Happy b'day to me
Happy b'day to me

Happy b'day
happy b'day

Happy b'day to me

b.10th September 1969 (ma niftakarx il-hin, sorry), u jghidu li jien Vergni (cioe' Virgo).

Monday, 8 September 2008

Dialects celebrated at Gozo activity

Dialects flaunted at Gozo activity

I totally agree with Mr. Charles DeMicoli who commented on The Times-online saying that:

'celebrating', 'showcasing' or 'focusing on' are more suitable than 'flaunting', in my opinion. 'Flaunting' carries some negative, confrontational, connotiations.
However The Times 'new' editor choose the word flaunted :)

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Inħibb dok li hiw tagħne

Illejle murna sal-Munxor. Ken hemm il-"Festival tad-Djaletti". Qett ma kint murt. Ġietnej il-kurżito wara li ċertiw Daphne Caruana Galizia (dejk li tiktib kwużuj kuntra kulħadd) kitbit hekk: "there’s a dialect demo in Gozo, should you be interested in this sort of minutiae of introspection". Mowr ġibe tgħejde bil-Multuj dejn il-kilme! Ma nofx lil mejn ma tippruvox twaqqa' għan-nejk din Daphnej wkill.

Don il-festivol ken urganizzot mill-NGO VersAgħtini - Il-Kelma Maltija, sabex iġijbu 'l quddem dok li jgħejdiwliw il-"linguistic heritage". Appuġġja din l-attivito' il-Kunsill Lukuluj tal-Munxor.
L-urganizzatriċej kienit Miriam Cassar li għandhe website li ta' min jaruha. (Agħfas hawnhekk)

Insumma jen murt ma' Mikielej Bajjuda. Ġet il-famulja tiegħew u ġet Miriam tiegħej ukill b'Savio.

Ċertu Francesca Mustija ppreżentot.

Bide Ġużi taż-Żejtiwn jitkellem bid-djelett Żejtuni. Dok ladarba jibde jitħaddit, ħadd ma jweqqfiw, anzuj, jekk jisimgħek treddin x'ħejn ikiwn jitħaddit hiw, jgħejdlik li sa taqtagħliw il-bewle. Tkellem fuq il-Multuj 'standard' u l-Multuj tar-raħal.

Warajh tkellem Mikilej bid-djelett tal-Munxor stess. Semme li f'dor fuq il-ġnen fejn kinne, ken trabba il-Prufessiwr Guze' Aquilina. Imbaghad qraw xi tfajlet minn ta' Sannot li wkill qraw bid-djelett tegħhim. Kien hemm uħra li malajr tintuna li mix-Xewkija għax kull kelme bil-Q tgħejde bil-K.

Tajba kinit ix-Xlukkajra li kienit bil-qiegħde ma' ġembej. Mhux biss tkelmit bix-xlukkajr imma kantot ukill bid-djelett tagħha. Isemgħewhe ftejt:

Insejt ngħidilkim li Francesca (dejk li ppreżentot) qrot ukoll xi riċerke li għamlit fuq id-djalettej.

L-urganizzatriċej durut fuquj bex jen ukoll nitkellem nitfa bid-djelett tal-Għarb. In-nes ta' l-Għarb il-GĦ iħissuha Ħ (bħal Għ(Ħ)arbi). Ismagħni nitfe:

Jekk trejd aktar tagħrujf fuq id-djelettej Maltujn agħfas HAWN u ssejb websajt bi prugrammuj minn CampusFM. Żewġ prugrammuj minnhim hume fuq id-djelett ta' l-Għ(Ħ)erb. Hemm Liże tal-Barruj. Isimgħewhe.

Dal-għodow ġibiw xa ħaġe fuq it-Times. Ura il-vidjow hawnekk

Kemm ġe sabujħ Savio tiegħej :)