Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Affarijet li jsiriw biss f'Għawdix

Wara li nkixif li r-Reġistriw Pubblikiw u r-Reġistriw ta' l-Artijet se jkuniw 'rilokati temporanjament ' fil-lukanda Downtown Ltd. il-Ministriw għall-Għawdix ħerġit stqarrije bex tiċċura xi affarijet. Araw ftejt:

"Dan ser isir wara li l-Ministeru għal Għawdex ħareġ sejħa għal turija ta’ interess fil-gazzetti lokali kollha. F’din is-sejħa tniżżlu l-ħtiġijiet bażiċi li kien hemm bżonn għal dan il-għan. Il-fatti huma illi li l-offerta ta’ Downtown Ltd kienet t-tieni l-orħos mill-offerti kollha li kienu sottomessi, u peress li min kien tefa’ l-orħos offerta reġa’ bdielu u sussegwentement irtira din l-offerta, l-għażla ovvjament waqgħet fuq it-tieni l-orħos offerta, jiġifieri dik ta’ Downtown Ltd. Wara li l-Ministeru għal Għawdex kiseb l-approvazzjoni meħtieġa mill-Ministeru tal-Finanzi, l-Ekonomija u Investiment, l-offerta ngħatat lil Downtown Ltd. Għalhekk ma huma bl-ebda mod korretti l-insinwazzjonijiet li saru, aktar u aktar meta intqal li wieħed mis-sidien tad-Downtown, Joseph Portelli “hu magħruf għal ħbiberija ma’ Giovanna Debono”.

Naħsib li għadim ma tgħallmiwx kejf juħurġow it-tendirs in-Nazzjunalistej wara tont zmen fil-gvern! U ħelline!

U kejf ussa ndunaw tal-Ministiriw li l-ispuzjow eżistentej hiw limitot? Bonġow Ministriw. Don partuj mill-eku ta' Ghawdix jew?

Viva l-ħbieb tal-ħbieb :)

Sunday, 8 February 2009

The Team Spirit of Gharb Rangers F.C.

I still cannot understand what is truly behind this story reported on the local media over this week-end.

It was reported that the Gharb F.C. committee was employing a non-Maltese person without the necessary for permits for him to work as a football plyer with the Club.

Although this player was paid by the Gharb F.C. (whose money are collected from door to door - including mine), the necessary licences were not in line with the law.

However, the Nigerian player was arrested during half time of a football game at the Gozo stadium on Thursday 5th February, when it was discovered his permit had expired.

Three Gharb football club officials, Joseph Cauchi, 38, Louis Apap, 56 and Mario Saliba, 40, appeared before Magistrate Dr Paul Coppini accused of employing a non-Maltese person without a permit and the necessary licences.

The three officials were also accused of not notifying the Employment and Training Corporation of the employment.

Police Inspector Josric Mifsud was the prosecuting officer.

I was never involved directly in any Football Club, but I heard of the term "Team Spirit".