Friday, 30 May 2008

Min ma jibkix ma jerdax

Kos kif inhi n-natura!
Kull xi 3 jew 4 sighat tisma' bikja hafifa.
Hazin ghalik jekk ma taghtix kaz.
Immur nerfghu fuq spajjella.
Ftit minuti fil-kwiet.
"Dan mhux bizzejjed" jibda ighidli f'xuftejh.
U jekk ma taqdihx jibda l-'weq weq'.
X'irid mela?
Sew ighidu li 'min ma jibkix ma jerdax!'
U n-natura u l-istint diga ghallem din il-lezzjoni lil Savio.

U ha nghidilkom....
Savio tghallem din il-lezzjoni bl-amment.

Hawn min din il-lezzjoni jgorrha tul hajtu kollha....mhux il-babies biss.



Malta: imhatra min jilghaq l-aktar

L-Eccellenza Tieghu il-President tan-Nazzjon Taghna, l-avukat Dr. Eddie (Edward) Fenech Adami jircievi lill-membri tal-Federazzjoni Kaccaturi u li jghidu li 'jikkonservaw' fil-Palazz il-Belt Valletta.

Ara daqsxejn :)

Imbaghad ohra...

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

It is not my fault stupid - The Housing Authority

Those of you who followed the letter to the Editor of the Malta Independent Daily could read a reply of our recent press statement called: AD - "The Housing Authority should make use of empty dwellings in Gozo"
The name of the letter in question is called : "Empty Dwellings". In brief, the Housing Authority Spokesperson explained that since the Authority withdrew the application, everybody in the whole world should know even though the MEPA website - to this very date- still indicates that the Housing Authority is applying for an "Outline development application for the construction of dwelling units overlying garages at basement level" - namely PA01484/08.

In her letter, Ms. Grech from the Housing Authority kindly informed the public that "the Housing Authority is not going to develop any new project in Gharb. The mentioned planning application has been withdrawn by letter dated 14 May 2008."

I find it hard to believe that the Housing Authority is saying that the application was withdrawn yet the application is still posted on the MEPA website. This is another typical example of how a government entity goes on the defence and tries to make the common citizen believe they are wrong. - "You stupid - You should know".

Rather than trying to justify who is right and who is wrong, we are pleased that the Housing Authority realised that unsustainable development on Gozo is not the way forward if the island wants to benefit from its social and natural attractions to lure foreigners to set up residence on the island. These newcomers would provide stable, year-round revenue to various economic operators in Gozo. Besides they are likely to invite and promote a new inflow of tourists when friends and relatives visit. The Green Party (AD) will continue nurturing and brand the key image of the island’s green and natural environment.

I reiterate my party's position that the Housing Authority should back up its pledge of using already available housing stock and negotiate to buy built-up property, rather than taking more arable land. It is about time that the Housing Authority, instead of being part of the problem, starts being part of the solution.

A reminder: one in every three dwellings in Gozo is empty all year round.

A national swimming pool in Gozo?

The Hon. Clyde Puli, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and Sport addresses a press conference organised by the Aquatic Sports Association.

As expected, the Aquatic Sports needs in Gozo were again dismissed - or else not reported through the government press statements.

I remember that when we proposed that the state should invest much more in Aquatic sports in Gozo -even more specifically a National Swimming Pool - the GonziPN also promised such an initiative during one of his pre-election meetings in Nadur.

I once wrote this in the press:

I would like to draw attention to the fact that part of the public coastal area near Otters Water Polo Club in Marsalforn was taken away from the public through a parliamentary deed in 2005. Now a pending application awaiting MEPA’s approval to “construct a sea water pool, for water polo and swimming purposes, pool to occupy part of existing Otters Club House and adjacent land, and replanning of part of existing ramp next to St Mary’s Street, Marsalforn” is being processed.

While I would like to point out that Alternattiva Demokratika has long been insisting that the government should invest in aquatic sports in Gozo, I question the need for this limited proposal. Why should the Otters Club have to undergo such hassle to get a semi-decent pool? Why should historic salt pans be threatened and why should the public give up yet another piece of coastline? All this for only a few months just in case of possibly jellyfish-infested waters.

Was a national swimming pool in Gozo not part of the Nationalist Party’s manifesto in 1991? We are still waiting 17 years later and the Labour Party ignores such a proposal even in its current plan for Gozo. Green Members of Parliament will urge cross party co-operation to safeguard the interests of all Gozitans and Gozo’s specific needs. We will get the government to invest in sports in Gozo rather than speculating on public land.

Two national swimming pools already exist in Malta; hence we believe that Gozitans deserve, by right, a national pool in Gozo. In its electoral manifesto for Gozo, Alternattiva Demokratika is proposing that a national heated pool to be used all year round and aquatic sports facility would form part of the existing sports complex in Victoria where adjacent land is available, or in other locations such as the abandoned Hondoq ir-Rummien distillation plant which could be rehabilitated and transformed into an indoor solar power heated pool for all citizens. EU funds could be tapped to subsidise a public aquatic sports facility for Gozo.

Given the socio-educational advantages of aquatic sports in Gozo, I sincerely hope that in the-not-too-distant future the sport finds itself on the national agenda and not used as a favourite subject for lip-servicing exercises that seem to have become something of a national pastime. Stop appropriating further public land and give Gozitans what is theirs by right. We are fed up of empty promises. Swim with AD and leave the old political system to sink.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Tghid tmissni x-xorti?

Ghaxar spazji ta’ inkubazzjoni ghad-dispozizzjoni ta’ artigjana f’Ghawdex. Tghid min ser tmissu x-xorti eh?

Skola Sport: Thumbs up to all the organisers

To end this year’s Skola Sport activities, on Saturday 24th May Gozitan students who had participated in the various activities organised during this scholastic year took part in a progressive show at the Gozo Sports Complex in Victoria.

Schemes for the big and the small fish?

The Malta Enterprise in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo and the Gozo Business Chamber organised an information seminar in Gozo. This seminar primarily aimed to promote Gozo for industry especially that connected with the manufacturing and services sectors. It was also intentioned to increase awareness, amongst Gozitan industrialists and employers, on the various incentive schemes for industry administered by Malta Enterprise.

It is reported that the Minister for Gozo stressed the importance for Gozitan businessmen and entrepreneurs to become familiar with the many schemes launched by Government through Malta Enterprise in order to promote and facilitate industry.

The professional support and assistance given by Malta Enterprise is considered as an important added value to the various fiscal and non fiscal incentives one may benefit from these schemes. Minister Debono also remarked that some of these schemes would be co-funded through EU funds. Gozo will be benefiting through at least 10% of EU funds allocated to Malta for budgetary period 2008-2013.

I always wondered who those are really benefiting from such schemes. Is it a big or a small fish? I sometimes ask myself whether there is any exclusivity for that individual/s. Do I need a favour from somebody if I want to know more?