Saturday, 2 February 2008

Watch, hear u xarukaza

During the past week both The Times of Malta and the Malta Independent reported concerns from active and responsible citizens about the sorry state of affairs in Gozo. I really feel sad when I read such letters to the editors. Not because these respectful individuals are creating public awareness of the shabbiness on Gozo; but because, week after week, month after month and year after year and no drastic actions are taken in order to stop illegal dumping in our countryside.

Rightly so, the correspondent expressed her concerns over this sorry state of affairs and said: "It is mind-boggling that in such a small community nobody hears or sees anything and if they do their lips are sealed. A typical case of hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil! It is simply not possible that the total population of Malta and Gozo are blind, deaf and dumb!"

However, I would like to make it public here that there are many of us Gozitans who are proud of our island. Indeed, we are aware that the need to protect our environment benefits the economy of the island and is essential to our livelihood.

Could it be that Gozitans refrain from reporting abuses because their report of abuse is not taken seriously by the police? Or could it be that the individual making the report has no form of protection from those few bullies who, because they enjoy the favour of certain politicians, think that they are above the law and therefore can act with impunity?

For sure we have ministers and MPs looking the other way while giving us a smile.

A feature on the print media lately was by the Gozo-lover Malta Independent journalist Francesca Vella. The focus Illegal dumping – Gozo’s silent killer (TMID 18 January). Click the link. I highly recommend it.

I like it and I'm happy we have a journalist with a backbone at Independent Malta.

Job Opportunites for Gozitans (4)

I fully recognize that an important characteristic of the economy of Gozo is its dependence on tourism. Being a Gozitan myself, I am also aware of the challenges Gozo faces in this regard and would like to share with you what I envisage as some possible creative solutions.

Gozo attracts many thousands of Maltese visitors and about half a million international tourists (mostly day-trippers) yearly. The four main types of tourists visiting Gozo, namely:
(a) international tourists who spend most of their visit in Gozo,
(b) international tourists who visit Gozo as day-trippers,
(c) Maltese visitors who visit Gozo for a few days annually and
(d) Gozitan emigrants, who sometimes stay in Gozo for a few months, mostly in summer.

The main challenge within the tourism industry in Gozo relates to seasonality. For instance, the bulk of tourists visit Gozo during the summer months, and this gives rise to seasonal fluctuations, with a very high level of demand in summer and very slack demand in the winter and colder months.

One needs to realize that the prices of the tourist establishments and tourist services has gone up, while standard of services still leaves much to be desired. From a Green perspective, I look at the tourist industry from a much wider perspective than the traditional politics which seem to be stagnated, perhaps because it is more preoccupied in exploiting this sector from a conventional approach. Unfortunately and sadly I still hear people saying that tourists visit our island because of the sun and sea. Such comments show that these people have no idea about the effects of climate change even in the tourist industry. They still think that only Malta and Gozo got the fine weather.

Hence I believe that we need urgently to move from conventional tourism and develop niche market tourism such as eco-tourism, agro-tourism, bird-watching holidays, walking holidays and adventure tourism, culture and heritage holidays, religion holidays, wellness holidays and marine eco-tourism amongst others. Please do click on these links and see the wide range of job opportunities related to such initiatives. These and other can all offer creative solutions to develop this sector and create a range of job opportunities for Gozitans and address the seasonality issue.

The ideas are there. What is needed is the political will. Where is that? I know. You know.

I'm happy to share some other ideas with you soon....then let's call it Job Opportunities for Gozitans (5).

Friday, 1 February 2008

Ninu tad-Dudej

Fir-ritratt: It-Tullu bil-kitarra, jien bl-argunett u hdejja ic-Catt. Dak ta' rasu fuq geddumu Grezzju qed jghammex lin-nisa.

Hawn min ighid li l-Karnival is-sena kollha. U veru hekk...ghax skond x'tifhem b'karnival hux.

Wahda mill-ghaxqiet tieghi hu meta naqbad l-argunett f'idejja u nibda ndoqq 'tad-dudej' jew 'taxi Mary' jew 'hafna xoghol ma jghoddx ghalina' jew qabda kanzunetti ohra tal-widna.

Imma l-isbah meta ma nkunx wahdi. L-isbah meta ma' l-argunett ikolli lil Pietru bir-rabbaba u l-Zeppi bit-tamburlin. Anke it-Tulli fih gennata. Tajba tkun meta tigi Tessie.

Pietru prima ghar-rabbaba. Mhux biex idoqqha biss imma anke biex jaghmilhom. Kien ilni niprova naghmel rabbabi. Ipprovajt nuza l-glud tal-fniek imma kull ma servieni kienu biss ftit gimghat. Ir-raguni kienet ghax peress li waqt li tkun qed iggerri l-isponza bl-ilma mal-qazba hierga mill-gilda; il-qtar ta' l-ilma jdghajjef il-gilda u allura facli tittaqqab. Garadarba tittaqqab il-gilda daqshekk hoss. Darb'ohra iddubajt gild ta' haruf. Din kienet ferm ahjar, anke il-hoss tieghu isbah mill-gild tal-fniek. Li grali pero, tnawwar. Pietru jghidli li kien messni ppreservajt il-gild fil-melh ghall-gimgha. Jien kemm nixxiftu ma' hajt fix-xemx. Sew ighidu li kollox fih is-sengha tieghu. Pietru pero' tax-xehta. Tax-xehta mhux biss biex jaghmel rabbaba prima imma anke biex izomm ir-ritmu mad-daqq. Ir-rabbaba li ghandu bhalissa jghid li mill-gild ta` qattus. Jien ma nemmnux. Imma ghandu widna tajba. Issa qed jigi l-Gharb ghand Dun Achille (hu l-isqof Cauchi) biex jitghallem l-argunett ukoll. Hasra li ma jkunx jista' jiehu l-argunett mieghu fuq ix-xoghol. Pietru bahri mall-Gozo Channel u sikwit nghidlu li kieku jkollu l-argunett naghmlu karnival fuq il-fliegu.

Zeppi ta' Kurun mbaghad jinqala ghat-tamburlini. Ghandu sahha f'subajh daqs kemm ghandi jien f'idi. Ghalhekk is-swaba wiehed wara l-iehor b'heffa liema bhala tassew jaghmlu r-ritmu sabih. M'hemmx bzonn ikollu l-qatra biex jaghmel burdel, imma jekk ikollu bela' mbid tghidx kemm jghaqqad. Imma dan jiddependi jekk martu Marjanna tkunx fil-kumpanija taghna jew le, ghax ma kull tazza nbid li jixtrob, xuftejn Marjanna jibdew jiddendlu l-isfel bhal wahda tal-Bazutu, u tghidx kemm tfaKKalu bil-K. It-tnejn mix-Xewkija, sewwa sew minn naha ta' Hanzira u allura l-'Q' ighiduha 'K'.

Tessi tax-Xaghra mara twajba hafna. Fiha ghaxqa meta tinghaqqad maghna. Tinqala' wkoll ghat-tamburlini. L-ghaxqa taghha meta tidhol tant fir-ritmu li t-tamburlin tibda ddoqqu wkoll b'kuxtejjha u b'sormha. Ma nafx hix parti mill-karatteristici tad-daqqaqa li nsib jien, imma Tessi wkoll thobbha il-bela' u allahares ikun hemm l-imbid ghaddej u ma jnewlulhiex il-flixkun.

It-Tullu Xewki iehor prima ghall-kitarra. Tassew naqblu jien u hu. Nghidlu li ha ndoqq fuq id-DO u naqblu perfettament. M'ghandniex ghalxiex le, ghax jien kollox fuq id-DO indoqq u kultant naghfas is-SOL u xi drabi fuq il-FA. Kollox magguri u xejn minuri. L-unika diska li nibqa bil-minuri hi 'hafna xoghol ma jghoddx ghalina'.

Dan il-karnival naghmluh meta jfettlilna. Ma noqghodux nistennew Frar. Xi darba niltaqa ma' Pietru fuq il-vapur u nifthiemu niltaqghu fil-week-end. Fis-sajf nerhula ghand Koli fir-Ramla. Jew inkella meta jkolli xi turisti ghand Zeppi ta' Kurun biex jahilbu n-naghag u jaghmlu l-gbejniet, arana naqbdu l-argunett u t-tamburlin u doqqulhom tad-Dudej. U ha nghidilkom, jekk ikolli naqra mbid go rasi anke jien nibda nghanni, waqt li s-swaba tax-xellug ifittxu l-buttuni suwed u s-swaba tal-lemin fuq il-keyboard ifittxu ghall-melodija u nibda sejjer:

Ninu Ninu Ninu gej
Bin il-mara tad-Dudej.
Id-Dudej ghandiw haniwt
b'idiw w jdejh gewwe l-biwt

Ghalina dan hu l-karnival. Imma fil-karnival propja, voldieri daz-zmien, il-briju jkun akbar. Toni tat-Triq ta' l-Ghajn jerfa' l-aqwa imbid ghal daz-zmien. Jghaqqdu maghna erba' rgiel ohra. Wiehed minn Ta' Kercem isuq it-Taxi igib mieghu l-argunett tal-halq, Gorg ix-Xemx bil-kastanjoli u Pawlu l-Kuskus inemmes xi nisa li jghaqqdu biz-zfin. L-iprem meta jkollna l-maskarati kollha saqqajhom suf u sider liema bhalu! Heq kollox hemm hinu u waqtu.

Ismaghni ndoqq l-argunett 'Ma taghmlu xejn ma' Ganni Mizzi' u taghtix kaz l-izbalji please:

Job Opportunities for Gozitans (3)

I believe that transport costs can be mitigated through an industry support policy and through making wise use of EU programmes. Because of the insularity problems (double insularity in the case of Gozo) industry incurs relatively high per unit costs on imported material and on exported finished products.

Local Authorities are constantly increasing the traveling costs effecting Gozitans directly or indirectly. Unfortunately services such as the Gozo Channel are no more considered as a social service but simple as a business venture. EU advantages in this regard are hardly being exploited such as for example, the Short-Sea Shipping Programmes of the EU.
Our vison for Gozo as a distinct island-region is very much in-line with EU policies. Unfortunately, there is much shifting of responsibility in regards. I believe that it is the responsibility of Gozitan politicians to offer solutions and answers to this problem and that these can be discussed with the EU for possible funding for sustainable transport to and within Gozo. For some reason, the local administration still awaits for the EU to propose innovative projects for Gozo. But alas! It's the other way round!

With technological advancements, and investment in information technologies, I envisage the Gozitan manufacturing sector to broaden from simple indigenous technology based and home-made produce to sophisticated handicrafts of wide varieties. This sector had a significant role in the Gozitan economy, not only because it provides employment but because it upholds the culture and heritage of Gozo.

This aspect of cottage industries had long remained ignored in the policy and marketing strategy of past governments as well as the private business. I encourage Gozitans working in this sector to upgrade their produce to EU standard in order to provide economic opportunities for the middle-income section of people through employment and income generation schemes.

What we need in Gozo is a one-stop-shop where individuals and entrepreneurs can go and under one roof they can get all things started. The local bureaucracy is killing people and de-motivating young and energetic investors. Or is this bureaucratic procedure to start your own business (MEPA, MTA, MSA, ect. ect.) is institutionally organised in order for you to go and pray to Saint Francis Square?

Will share some other ideas with you soon....then let's call it Job Opportunities for Gozitans (4)

Thursday, 31 January 2008

More Popeye (ies?)

Decided not to cross to Gozo on Friday but today. Reason being that I do not want to wait for hours on a Friday evening to cross over to Gozo with all the cars coming to Gozo for the Carnival festivities. However I still found myself waiting. Parked the car in the Q and went for a coffee at the Cirkewwa Cafe'. That is the place where one meet other impatient Gozitan commuters waiting for the next boat to go over to Gozo.
One of the frequent commuters come to me and in a low voice he commented: "It's so obvious that election day is so soon".
"8th of March they are saying" I said.
"Yeah it must be that close" he was assuring me.
I know this fellow quite well. I know he does not follow the newspapers and hardly have time to sit down and watch any news. I was curious to find out from what sources he got it that the election is so soon.
"How do you know this Guz?", I asked.
"Sure I know! Did you not see the number of new employees and sailors this morning with the Gozo Channel?"

I smiled.

"And their connections are stronger than those of Popeye!"

I laughed.

Job Opportunities for Gozitans (2)

As promised yesterday, I am going to continue sharing with you how I think that new and modern job opportunities could be created in Gozo. Yesterday I wrote about innovative projects within the agricultural sector. Today I would like to briefly share some ideas on the fishing industry in Gozo.

I see the need for a greater investment in the fishing industry in Gozo. At present, this industry does not employ many people on a full time basis, and it cannot be considered as a major industry in Gozo. However it is an important supplier of food for local consumption and for the tourist industry. It can create more job opportunities when Gozitans working in this sector, will be assisted to invest in efficient and up-to-date methods of cultivation.

On-the-job training opportunities for Gozitans interested in the fishing industry could be encouraged in order to gain skills in how to operate vehicles or mechanized equipment, control machines and processes, evaluate information against standards document and record information, inspect equipment, structures, or materials, repair and maintain mechanical equipment as well as to perform administrative tasks and process information amongst others.

Tourists, especially those from central Europe, ask specifically whether it is possible to experience a day or two working with a local fisherman. It's like us wanting to ride a gondola while visiting Venezia. They will pay of course. Have a look at a typical day's programme offered by my foundation in this regard:

One of the services offered by the Ager Foundation is to 'Try out a day at sea on a traditional boat and discover the age-old techniques of a local fisherman.'

Savour and enjoy a 5 to 6 hour fishing programme with expert Gozitan fishermen who proactively involve and engage you in their art and science, enabling you to pick up and practice new tips and techniques deployed in what is still a dynamic industry and popular sport for these islanders.

Their brightly-painted 'Luzzu' fishing boats, bearing the Phoenician 'eye of Osiris' on the prow serve as ample testimony of a rich culture pre-dating modern times. Or else if you are a small group experience the 'frajgatina'

Maltese and Gozitan cuisine is greatly influenced by the sea; the favourite fish dish being Lampuka, the so-called dorado, a tasty, versatile fish which appears in markets in the autumn.

Our busy programme includes deft techniques in bait-fishing and 'finger fishing', using a pliable rod three to five meters long, not necessarily with a reel. The hook and bait are simply dangled and a float is attached as a bite indicator. The elusive knack of it lies in a perfectly timed flick of the wrist. Kids just love this!

Fishing from a 'dghajsa' and using other traditional fishing devices and techniques, you may be lucky enough to catch Rainbow Wrasse, Blue Damselfish, Grouper and many other seasonal fish.

Transport may be arranged (optional)

Ager Foundation personnel communicate with you and discuss your tastes and requests - eventually designing together a tailor-made programme which suites you best.

For instance, the boat trip can be arranged for the morning (usually from 9hrs until 15hrs) or for an afternoon (usually 16hrs until 21hrs) trip.

A typical day's programme (a morning programme):
Meeting with Ager Foundation Personnel and the host
Off to the sea-shore for the catch and fishing (using different techniques where you actively take part in)
A boat ride by the cliffs and traditionally grilling of the fresh catch (possibly on Comino) or in one of the impressive caves, enjoying a traditional lunch with the fisherman
14:30 Back to the seashore, meeting again Ager Foundation Personnel for feedback.

Join the fishermen on-board for an authentic, tasty lunch, all included in the price.

As for your catch? Take it home with you or cook it fresh there and then.

And let me share this with you: The demand is greater than the supply!

Will share some other ideas with you soon....then let's call it Job Opportunities for Gozitans (3)

Under La Palma

I remember it was early September 2004. It was a sunny morning and we sat down in our garden in Gharb. We call our garden 'Epicurus' since it was here where Miriam, Anton Farrugia locally known as tal-Castle Pharmacy and myself, enjoyed studying and revising philosophy before the finals. Anton Farrugia was a retired good soul who voluntarily looks after the Gozo Cathedral library.

Although it was an early Sunday morning, the sun was already hot but it was still cool enough to stay under the shade of the palm tree planted in our neighbor's garden. Cpt. Willy Wirth, my neighbour, is so proud of his palm tree that he named his daughter's holiday house in Gharb 'La Palma'.

I was preparing some cookies and Miriam, my wife was preparing some tea/coffee for the semi-established group. The people who turned up that morning were 7 Gozitans.

One of the the members, a practicing lawyer who also helped in the Cassola campaign for the MEPs election during May of that year addressed the question: "So what is going to happen now in Gozo?" and he continued..."The Greens got over 1,300 first count votes just from Gozo alone".
Fine granted we all knew that and we all acknowledge this splendid result with satisfaction. So what is next?"

Indeed, this was the agenda for that 'meeting' and the Green Party Leader Dr. Harry Vassallo together with the then party's secretary general Mr. Stephen Cachia crossed over from Malta that Sunday morning to discuss with us the 'what is next'.

I was soon realising what was going to happen...

"We need to continue to build on the result obtained by the Green Party candidate Prof. Arnold Cassola" I said. There was full agreement by all.

Harry and Stephen arrived. Understandably most often Maltese arrive late.

One young member of the group, a Naduri said: "The fact that 1,300 Gozitans voted for an alternative to traditional politics is very encouraging for us to continue working".

And it was here that Stephen Cachia suggested that we need to organise a structure for the Green Party in Gozo.

Eighteen eyes set on me (including those of my wife). Silence. Harry broke this silence and said: "All you need is a clear aim and a co-ordinator....that's all".

Yeah that's all

I was trying to move my chair under more shade. One of the cats passed by and I started to play with it a bit. My wife often says that I should be more gentle with pussy cats.

I was fully aware that I was avoiding the situation.

My eyes and those of my wife's were saying thousand words.

Harry asked "Is it that difficult to nominate somebody from the group to set-up and co-ordinate the AD Gozo group?"

"I think Victor would do great" said the Gozitan lawyer. I immediately replied back: "Why not you? You are a well known lawyer in Gozo and..."
"No, I am not as organised as yourself. Look at yourself during Arnold's campaign. You already drafted the aims of the AD Gozo group, called for meetings, minuted should be the one" he immediately replied without letting me finish.

The whole group agreed and Harry said in la maltija "Hekk naseb jien ukoll". (this is what I also think)

I looked at my wife. I understood but nobody else did.

I announced the agenda for the next meeting which was the approval of the AD Gozo Mission Statement.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Job Opportunities for Gozitans (1)

One challenge of every administration in Gozo is to create jobs for Gozitans. Job opportunities in Gozo is a constant question I am faced with daily during my interaction with fellow Gozitans. Whether on the ferry crossing to Malta or at Bellusa's Cafe in Victoria, fellow Gozitans always raise this subject. The most concerned are parents whose children will be leaving school later this year. I enjoy engaging with people discussing this subject and today I thought to start share with you some ideas. Its a vast subject so I intend writing frequently on this subject in order not to bore you with long writings.

I really believe that it is possible to increase job opportunities for Gozitans and reduce unemployment. The most important differences between the Gozitan economy and that of mainland Malta are that in Gozo there is a higher rate of self-employment, relatively larger agriculture and fisheries sectors and a relatively smaller manufacturing sector. Traditionally, the unemployment rates in Gozo were always higher than was the case in mainland Malta. In order to counter this trend, inspired from Green politics and Green Economics, I believe in instilling pride in Gozitans in the uniqueness of our island and in preventing dependence on the state.

I am committed to instil within fellow Gozitan ideas about the new culture of entrepreneurship. During my constant interaction with Gozitans, I learned that due to the patronizing political strategies of the two major parties, some people (hence voters) in the street came to believe that the Government or the Ministry for Gozo is the sole provider of cushy jobs. However, within a culture of entrepreneurship which I envisage to foster, individuals will feel empowered and supported to make use of their own resources to develop themselves.

For example, young Gozitans can be encouraged to make effective use of the European Social Funds and other funding in the educational sector. Rather than depending on political favours and passively waiting for opportunities to come to them, individuals need to be empowered and supported to actively create the opportunities for themselves. This is what entrepreneurs do. I feel strongly against all the state beurocracy which is discouraging Gozitans to stand on their own feet and take their own initiatives. Like real Gozitans, I believe in entrepreneurship.

Let's take but one example for today's entry in my blog.

We are all aware that the agriculture sector in Gozo needs to be far more exploited in economical terms through several innovative ways. Because of its geological formation, Gozo is more fertile than mainland Malta. Vegetable and forage production is important for household consumption and as input for economic activities such as food processing and livestock rearing and dairy farming. Vegetation and management jobs as well as irrigation jobs will also cater for those Gozitans who want to invest in these areas. Horticulture is relatively underdeveloped in Gozo but there seems to be a good potential for its development. Investment into afforestation projects in Gozo hardly ever started and authorities are missing to creat jobs in arboriculture. Investments in environmental projects and ecological restoration will generate a multitude selection of jobs in this area such as Greenhouse jobs, floral and botanical garden jobs as well as interiorscape jobs. Organic farming does not only provide healthy produce but offers a number of related job opportunities in this sector. My dream is for Gozo to adopt a total organic farming model, as well as establishing itself as a GMO-free region. The island's products will require creative labeling and lots of clever marketing. Restaurants would switch to and specialize exclusively in organic cuisine. This way, Gozo will become a price-maker rather than a price taker. I will work hard to propagate the vision while constantly reminding present authorities to provide the fiscal and economic incentives, assist in the application of EU funding and facilitate the whole process. The direct economic benefits from such initiatives could be tremendous not only for the general income for the Gozitan economy but also for further job opportunities.

I would like to share with you the work of a foundation which I established two years ago -

The Ager Foundation operates as a non-governmental non-profit making organization. It aims to focus public attention on the value of safeguarding the natural environment for present and future generations.

Its principle mission is to improve the quality of the life of the local community within the context of a responsible tourism infrastructure by promoting sustainable rural development in the region island of Gozo.

Based on eco-tourism criteria, the foundation promotes the 'The Gozo experience', the first project of its kind by:

  1. Capitalising on the potential of the island of Gozo as sustainable tourist destination and a unique selling proposition: the people, the tradition of hospitality, the culture and countryside;
  2. Stabilizing the otherwise erratic seasonal pattern of Gozo tourism, agrotourism being an all weather service;
  3. Diverting the heavily weighted density of tourists from the traditional commercial resorts, primarily concentrated on the coast, in favour of the countryside in the hinterland;
  4. Marketing Gozo as a unique holiday destination while providing a focus of action and debate for participants (both service providers and service users) to promote and implement the values of responsibility and respect towards traditions and culture in an ecologically sustainable society.
The Ager Foundation serves as a catalyst and facilitator among Gozitan organizations and residents and fosters the sustainable, responsible development of the region-island as a unique tourist destination offering eco, agro as well as cultural and heritage projects of exceptionally high quality. Farmers, fishermen and their families discovered another source of income! They are earning money in a responsible way. Their sons and daughter realised that these are other job opportunities on their doorstep. I am so happy for them. The satisfaction I feel can't be easily explained here in writing.

Will share some other ideas with you soon....then let's call it Job Opportunities for Gozitans (2)

Monkey Business in a Banana Republic

It was bemusing to read Victor Scerri, arch advocate of the petrified status quo, ranting in favour of the worst of all worlds - unstable dictatorships masquerading as democracies, and with nothing to show for it (Electoral Changes, Times of Malta, December 29).

The president of the Nationalist Party's general council purported to save Malta and Gozo from a fate worse than democratic governance.

According to his feverish thesis, awful perils lurk in wait lest we attempt to tread the slippery path to representative democracy.

He seems to find it inconceivable that a small party ought to be entitled to representation in Parliament by garnering votes across the country and overcoming a "low" threshold of five per cent, a gross incongruity on his part, given that that was precisely what the 1995 Gonzi Commission proposed.

In addition, his party suggested a 7.5 per cent threshold as recently as 2006. Today, however, Dr Scerri finds it unthinkable, insisting instead on a 16.6 per cent threshold to safeguard Parliament against "anarchy".

What remains a perennial mystery is why his party was so keen on Malta joining the EU in the first place. With the notable exception of Malta and the UK, it provides Dr Scerri and his ilk with endless examples of the bleakest of political realities imaginable: "anarchic" governments, comprising minority administrations, coalitions, cross-party cooperation and parliamentary consensus.

One wonders how, for all its execrable political instability, Italy has managed to become the world's 10th largest economic power. Can one fathom the political puzzle of how "coalition-ridden" Holland manages to contrive a GDP larger than the 10 EU accession countries in 2004 combined? Dr Scerri's brazen implication, that what is good for successful pluralist ganders is not good enough for feudal goose Malta, beggars belief.

The phobia of consensus politics, afflicting the MLP and the PN, has impelled them to conspire to entrench single-party minority government with absolute power, rather than one tempered by the discipline of responsible transparent accountability to Parliament. To achieve their ends, they have foisted an electoral mechanism on the nation to ensure absolute single-party rule with a minority of the vote, as opposed to governance by an absolute majority of the electorate, if such a majority is composed of more than one political party.

Questionable arithmetic; specious democracy. It is a blatant obscenity illustrative of how absolute power equates to absolute dishonesty.

Where will it all end?

By imposing a 16.6 per cent threshold, the PN and the MLP have attempted to devise a means to deny parliamentary representation to other parties, thereby spawning an electoral imbroglio in which they stand to hijack absolute power while falling further and further below the 50 per cent mark. Will they really squabble about the proportionality between them when they are each around the 42 per cent mark, give or take a point or two? That is most unlikely given that it would nevertheless guarantee the autocratic, albeit "stable", single-party government Dr Scerri so cravenly seeks.

Nonetheless, it may never come to this. Alternattiva Demokratika can elect an MP without exceeding the 16.6 per cent threshold. In the last election, 11 MPs secured their seats in Parliament without reaching the quota in their electoral districts. It happens almost every time. AD and representative parliamentary democracy itself might likewise succeed by doing so.

Jirbah min jivvota

Niftakar li dritt wara ir-rizultat ta' l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali ta' Marzu 2007, l-Editur tal-gazzeta ILLUM, talabni biex niktiblu ftit mill-hsibijiet tieghi dwar ir-rizultat ta' l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali. Ktibtlu hekk:

Hemm min ighid li fl-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali li ghaddew (Marzu 2007), l-PN mar hazin u hemm min ighid li l-Alternattiva gabu rizultati sbieh u hemm min ighid li l-MLP rebah. Jien nghid li rebhu r-residenti.

Ir-residenti taw prova li mhux ta' min jehodhom bic-cajt f’lokalitajiet bhal Munxar meta tant irregolaritajiet saru bil-barka tal-PN u kunsillera ta' l-MLP. Kien propju hawn li l-Alternattiva gabet l-akbar success ta’ kwazi 12 fil-mija tal-voti favur il-kandidat taghha.

U xi nghidu ghal lokalitajiet ohra bhalma kienu Rahal Gdid? F'din il-lokalita' kelli esperjenzi li tghallimt hafna. Matul iz-zjajjar tieghi lir-residenti flimkien mal-kandidat taghna tisma' lil kulhadd b’vuci wahda li t-telqa' fir-rahal taghhom hi tal-biza! Rajt b'ghajnejja stess siringi tad-droga fil-gonna pubblici u genituri nkwetati li ma jistghux jafdaw lic-ckejknin taghhom jilghabu barra mid-dar minhabba dan il-periklu. Kienet xi haga xokkanti li kwazi kull dar li habbatna ltqajna ma' adulti u tfal li jbaghtu bin-nifs minhabba t-tniggiz ta' l-arja. Allura wiehed jistaqsi: ghaliex l-Alternattiva gabet kwazi 4 fil-mija tal-voti u n-nies ma vvutawx bil-qawwa lill-kunsillier ta’ l-AD?

L-istess bhal lokalita' tal-Mosta. Il-Kandidat ta’ l-Alternattiva kiseb ukoll kwazi l-4 fil-mija tal-voti. Kien ukoll fatt kurjuz li ltqajna ma' residenti li wara li nvestew tant flus fil-propjeta' taghhom li bil-kemm riedu jemmnu li faccata ta' djarhom inhareg ghal zvilupp minflok il-kampanja li holmu li ser igawdu ghal tul ta' zmien. U anke in-nies tal-Gzira. Kull fejn tara krejnijiet u traffiku. Possibli li r-residenti tal-Gzira jaccettaw li l-lokal taghhom jispicca lembut ghat-traffiku kollu li jrid ighaddi ghas-Sliema u l-inhawi tal-madwar? Ma nahsibx. Imma allura ghaliex in-nies ma vvutawx bil-qawwi anke hawnhekk favur l-Alternattiva?

Zgur mhux tort tar-residenti. Huwa htija taghna li ma kkomunikajniex b’mod effettiv ma’ dawn in-nies. Irridu naghmlu xi haga dwar dan qabel ma jkun tard wisq ghal dawn il-lokalitajiet u tant ohrajn bhalhom.

Interessanti pero' li r-residenti ta' H'Attard u s-Swieqi ghamlu decizjoni differenti. Ukoll dawn iz-zewgt lokalitajiet gew mahkuma minn zvilupp xejn sostenibbli. Djar sbieh jinbidlu f'gebubi ta' flettijiet, wesghat miftuha jinbidlu f'aktar konkos u siment u t-traffiku xejn kontrollat, izda jidher li l-vizjoni ta’ l-Alternattiva dwar is-sahha u kwalita' ta' hajja ahjar waslet sew ghand in-nies t'hawnhekk u ghalhekk tellghu lil kandidati ta' l-AD bil-kwota mehtiega.

Kulhadd jaqbel li hawn min jivvota fuq bazi personali, fuq livell lokali u fuq livell nazzjonali. Irrid inzid pero' li ghad fadal ukoll minn jivvota fuq livell passjonat. Jidher pero’ li l-passjoni politika qed tonqos aktar ma’ l-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi jinduna li sistema ta’ zewgt partiti biss u zewgt partiti f'kollox qed tistagna l-izvilupp socjo-politiku fil-hajja Maltija. U dan jawgura tajjeb lit-Tielet Partit - L-Alternattiva Demokraika.

Alternattiva Demokratika qatt ma tista' tfittex maggoranzi assoluti. Anzi l-Alternattiva nholqot sabiex verament ikun hawn demokrazija fejn il-poter ikun f'idejn ir-residenti u mhux f’idejn min ghandu l-maggoranzi!

U ma jistax ikun li ssir xi tip ta' analizi minghajr ma wiehed jikkunsidra b'serjeta' kbira lil dawk l-eluf li jiddeciedu li ma jivvutawx jew imorru jivvutaw u jhassru l-vot taghhom. Jien darba kont wiehed minnhom u nahseb naf x'jigifieri. Il-politika hija process. U jien ghaddejt minn dan il-process. Indunajt li jekk ma nivvutax ikun ifisser li qed nghid lil kull politikant sabiex jaghmel bija dak li jrid u jghogbu. Jien ma rridx hekk. Meta tlift il-fiducja fil-partiti tal-maggoranzi assoluti ddecidejt li nivvota lil dak il-partit li jista’ jinfluwenza u li jgib lill-partiti l-kbar jahdmu flimkien ghall-interess tan-nies u mhux ghall-interessi tal-partit. Kont iddejjaqt nisma' l-partiti l-kbar jghoddu l-persentaggi sabiex ikollom biex jattakkaw lill-partit tellief. Bdejt nivvota Alternattiva. Ma jiddispjacinix. Inhossni issa hieles fil-hsieb politiku tieghi. Fejn hu hazin ma niddejjaqx nghid li hu hazing, jaghmlu min jaghmlu, u fejn hu tajjeb lanqas niddejjaq infahhar lil min ikun wettqu. U nahseb li kien hawn hafna li ghamlu bhali f’din l-elezzjoni u ninsab cert li aktar ma jghaddu l-jiem ser ikun hawn aktar li jifmhu li huma ahna l-votanti li nistghu ngibu din il-bidla. Naturalment il-partiti l-kbar huma komdi b’din is-sitwazzjoni ta' poter assolut.

Nixtieq nirringrazzja li dawk il-hafna Maltin u Ghawdxin li wara dan ir-rizultat bdew jikkumunikaw ma' l-Alternativa Demokratika anke permezz ta' l-E-mails. Uhud minnhom fhemu li l-AD hija forza politika li mhux ta' min jinjoraha. Ohrajn qed juru x-xewqa li jsiru jafuna mill-qrib u mhux kif jirrapurtawna n-NET jew is-Super One. Inkompli nghidilhom li fl-Alternattiva jsibu l-ispazju kollu li ghandhom bzonn sabiex igibu bidla ta’ kif ghandha ssir il-politika f’pajjizna. Nemmen li ma jdumx ma jasal iz-zmien biex, bhal kull pajjiz Ewropew iehor, il-poter jibda jinghata lin-nies u mhux lil partiti tal-maggoranzi.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

AD's Dozen

The biggest fallacy the MLP/PN has ever attempted to spin was that a vote for Alternattiva Demokratika was "wasted". Yet the recent "greening" of the body politics clearly illustrates that neither the MLP nor the PN can realistically seek election without being intensely aware of the formidable electoral influence that AD now brings to bear.

The following catalogue of AD accomplishments since the last general election demonstrably attests to that.

1) Departure tax: scheduled for abolition.

2) Rent laws: under review.

3) The cost of house property is now centre stage in national political debates.

4) Implementation of AD renewable energy policy under consideration by the present administration.

5) Reduction in Gozo ferry rates.

6) Ix-Xaghra l-Hamra: saved. A legal status is now called upon.

7) Ta' Cenc: untouched.

8) No mention of marinas and golf courses in the last budget debate.

9) Imminent abolition of spring hunting.

10) Niche tourism such as eco and agro tourism are now under serious consideration.

11) The Gozo region is to remain one whole electoral district.

12) Empowerment of the environmental lobby: the government is rethinking its position on the extension of the development zones.

AD was the only political party to actively participate in the national demonstration held last year against the proposed development zones rationalisation exercise. The Labourites and Nationalists just turned up for TV interviews, opportunistically availing of the over 1,000 protesters as a convenient backdrop.

When addressing the coalition of 17 environmental NGOs, its leading exponent, Astrid Vella declared: "For every person at the protest, another 10 remained at home, meaning the cause was backed by 10,000 people, which translated into 10,000 lost votes." (Times of Malta, July 20, 2006).

A total of 10,000 votes equates to several Green MPs. Just about 2,500 votes or less from any one electoral district determines whether Maltese and Gozitans want a watchdog in parliament invoking parliamentary privilege to explore issues and ask questions never addressed by the stagnant two-party system.

That AD unquestionably lends focused electoral clout to what would otherwise be a highly fragmented environmental lobby was further highlighted recently by a newspaper correspondent who made a very telling observation: "Alternattiva Demokratika has achieved all this without parliamentary representation: imagine how much more we could accomplish with it".


Multiparty Partnerships in Practice

On Sunday, June 10, the Prime Minister is reported to have urged "the people to put partisan politics aside and focus on moving ahead as a nation", only to conclude his speech without having made a single direct reference to any political party other than the PN.

However, on the same day, elected representatives from both Labour and the PN actively participated with Alternattiva Demokratika in protest against MEPA's approval of the development of a complex comprising 23 villas at Ramla l-Hamra, Gozo.

AD's invitation to both political parties served to defuse internecine partisan rivalry, uniting exponents of Labour and PN in a common cause under an inclusive AD banner, and in collaborative public opposition to the misguided project.

Common sense cross-party consensus and enlightened co-operation, which transcend traditional partisan pique and senseless antagonism, exemplify the practical art of the possible in mature reasoned politics, for the greater good and lasting benefit of the whole nation.

Watch video:

View some of my downloaded photos

I'm trying to download more photos from our island.

Monday, 28 January 2008

Political freedom

Citizens believe themselves to be free; that on election day they exercise their right to vote for whomever they truly want. But in reality, this is often far from the case. Many are enslaved by fears of the past; fears which critically condition the way they think about the present. Like tiny spiders, these fears creep into the corners of their mind, weaving cobwebs, influencing the way they perceive the present.

But enslavement to the past may otherwise manifest itself: Some are enslaved by loyalties to ancestors, who always voted "yellow", and therefore feel that by voting likewise, they somehow redeem their forefathers' debt.

By living the present political scenario through the ghosts of the past, they annihilate any sign of life from the political possibilities of the present. Worse again, others still opt to sell their political freedom to "the devil" himself. I refer to those unable to freely vote because they have made expedient pacts in return for political favours from people in power, favours they know in the depth of their souls they had no right to in the first place. In selling their souls to "the devil", they have sold their freedom; the freedom to vote according to their conscience for the common good of society.

They have sold their loyalties for their own immediate personal interests and in turn, cursed the good of the nation. I still yearn for the Maltese and Gozitans to recover their true political sovereignty and vote according to the real common good of society: Free from oppressive enslavement to the past and that of their personal interests.

A national pool in Gozo?

I would like to draw attention to the fact that part of the public coastal area near Otters Water Polo Club in Marsalforn was taken away from the public through a parliamentary deed in 2005. Now a pending application awaiting MEPA’s approval to “construct a sea water pool, for water polo and swimming purposes, pool to occupy part of existing Otters Club House and adjacent land, and replanning of part of existing ramp next to St Mary’s Street, Marsalforn” is being processed.

While I would like to point out that Alternattiva Demokratika has long been insisting that the government should invest in aquatic sports in Gozo, I question the need for this limited proposal. Why should the Otters Club have to undergo such hassle to get a semi-decent pool? Why should historic salt pans be threatened and why should the public give up yet another piece of coastline? All this for only a few months just in case of possibly jellyfish-infested waters.

Was a national swimming pool in Gozo not part of the Nationalist Party’s manifesto in 1991? We are still waiting 17 years later and the Labour Party ignores such a proposal even in its current plan for Gozo. Green Members of Parliament will urge cross party co-operation to safeguard the interests of all Gozitans and Gozo’s specific needs. We will get the government to invest in sports in Gozo rather than speculating on public land.

Two national swimming pools already exist in Malta; hence we believe that Gozitans deserve, by right, a national pool in Gozo. In its electoral manifesto for Gozo, Alternattiva Demokratika is proposing that a national heated pool to be used all year round and aquatic sports facility would form part of the existing sports complex in Victoria where adjacent land is available, or in other locations such as the abandoned Hondoq ir-Rummien distillation plant which could be rehabilitated and transformed into an indoor solar power heated pool for all citizens. EU funds could be tapped to subsidise a public aquatic sports facility for Gozo.

Given the socio-educational advantages of aquatic sports in Gozo, I sincerely hope that in the-not-too-distant future the sport finds itself on the national agenda and not used as a favourite subject for lip-servicing exercises that seem to have become something of a national pastime. Stop appropriating further public land and give Gozitans what is theirs by right. We are fed up of empty promises. Swim with AD and leave the old political system to sink.

You can watch the video and learn how the national patrimony is in danger if MEPA ignores common sense. My good friend Martin Camilleri from Nadur will explain:

Responsabilta', trasparenza u b'politika nadifa...

Alternattiva Demokratika diga' akkwistat rebhiet kbar f'Ghawdex. Elett fil-parlament, Victor Galea ikompli jahdem b'responsabilta', trasparenza u b'politika nadifa, sabiex...

Ta' Cenc, ir-Ramla l-Hamra u Hondoq ir-Rummien jibqghu protetti, waqt li jinbdew impjiegi marbuta ma' dan i-wirt naturali u arkeologiku uniku;

Il-patrimonju u l-kultura f'Ghawdex ikomplu jigu mharsa;

Jinbeda zvilupp ta' setturi turistici godda;

Jitnaqqas in-noll tat-trasport ghall-Maltin li jzuru Ghawdex;

Titkabbar l-infrastruttura ta' l-Industrija tat-teknologija u back office work f'Ghawdex li jinghata prijorita' nazzjonali f'dan is-settur.

Xi jfisser vot ghalija?

Inhoss li 2,500 Ghawdxi huma lesti li jgibu bidla f'Ghawdex perezz tal-vot taghhom fl-elezzjoni li gejja ghax jafu li, vot ghalija jfisser li:

Ghawdex ikun verament gzira distinta, jinholqu impjiegi godda marbuta mat-teknolgija ta' l-informatika, servizzi finanzjarji u bazi ta' xoghol back office;

F'Ghawdex jinholqu impjiegi godda marbuta ma' investiment qawwi u bis-serjeta' f'energija alternattiva;

F'Ghawdex issir qabza fil-kwalita' fis-setturi edukattivi, servizzi socjali u fl-ambjent b'holqien ta' xoghol gdid;

Inkomplu niddefendu l-ambjent u s-sbuhija t'Ghawdex ghall-turizmu matul is-sena kollha biex jinholqu mpjiegi ta' kwalita';

Issir gustizzja fejn lehen ic-cittadin jinstema' f'kull livell ta' l-amministrazzjoni minghajr ebda diskriminazzjoni;

Isir titjib bis-serjeta' fit-trasport pubbliku bejn l-irhula, il-gzejjer u konnessjonijiet ma' pajjizi u gzejjer ohra biex turisti jigu direttament lejn Ghawdex;

Ghawdex ikun tassew rapprezentat fil-Parlament u l-vot ta' l-Ghawdxin ma jibqax jiswa anqas minn ta' min jghix f'Malta.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Min jien?

Twelidt fl-1969, noqghod l-Gharb, mizzeweeg lil Miriam u qed nistennew l-ewwel tarbija;

Segwejt studju pedagogici u fix-xjenza socjali;

Ghallimt ghal zmien twil ix-xjenza u studji ambjentali fl-iskjjel primarji f'Ghawdex;

Mexxejt programmi edukattivi li jwasslu ghal aktar kooperazzjoni bejn l-iskejjel u l-genituri;

Segwejt ricerka u ppublikajt xoghol dwar 'It-taghlim tal-Genituri tul il-Hajja';

Rigistrat bhala terapista mal-Fondazzjoni ta' l-Istudji Terapewtici fir-Renju Unit;

Ikkoordinajt servizzi ta' Social Work u Counseling ma' persuni u familji vulnerabbli fosthom persuni msawwta u abbuz fuq tfal f'Ghawdex;

Mexxejt u ghallit f'korsijiet fl-Universita' mal-fakulta' ta' l-Edukazzjoni u l-Istitut tas-Social Work kif ukoll tajt diversi tahrig fic-Centru ta' l-Universita f'Ghawdex;

Fundatur tal-Fondazzjoni Ager u bdejt progetti nnovattivi ta' agro u eko-turizmu ma' bdiewa, rahhala u sajjieda Ghawdxin;

Ikkoordinajt il-kampanja elettorali ghal-Parlament Ewropej ta' Arnold Cassola f'Ghawdex;

Fl-2004 waqqaft flimkien ma' ohrajn il-Kumitat Regjonali ta' l-Alternattiva Demokratika f'Ghawdex;

Inhtart il-Kelliem tal-partit ghar-regjun t'Ghawdex;

Fl-2006 gejt elett Segretarju Generali ta' l-Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party.