Wednesday 12 March 2008

Ta' Cenc: Authorised persons only.

Ta' Cenc - attached a photo of the sign. Who are the only authorised persons?

People want to know why the Ta' Cenc road is being blocked.

Are they welcome to walk at Ta' Cenc?


Anonymous said...

Jien mal-mistoqsijiet tieghek rigward ta'Cenc nixtieq inzid ohrajn:
Kif ma hawn xejn trasparenti f'dal-pajjiz? Kif ollox donnu jsir fis-satra tal-lejl?
U kif mil-lum ghal ghada jitwahhlu tabelli mighajr ebda konsultazzjoni ma hadd?

Anonymous said...

Ta Cenc remains open for now - despite the sign, AFAIK there has been no attempt to stop vehicles entering, but it would only take the closing of an existing gate to stop vehicular access