IMPORTANT: Make sure you have both the Nadur Mayor, the Gozo curia and the Minister for the Environment (now Gonzi)on your side.
Knowing that the spring water which Nadur’s farmers have been using for centuries will be contaminated, ensure that no hydrological studies will take place.
Infact this is what happened at the Nadur new cemetery.
MEPA exempted the church’s project from a proper Environment Impact Assessment, relying on a geological report carried out by Savior Scerri in 2005, which concluded that the cemetery would not have any impact on water resources.
However a report by Ing. Marco Cremona debunks the claim in a previous report commissioned by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority that the new cemetery would have “no adverse impact” on the natural springs.
In his report Marco Cremona notes “the very evident deterioration” of the quality of the farmers’ water sources in December 2007 after the commencement of excavation works, disproving the conclusion of the Scerri report.
Samples collected by Cremona as evidence show the once transparent spring water has turned milky white because of silt.
Since no other excavation works were being carried out in the area at the time, the report links this phenomenon to the cemetery excavations.
But MEPA gave the go ahead to the Church to carry oin with the digging and the Said Construction Ltd. eagerly started the ward even though the farmers appealed from the case.
Moreover as a consequence of the excavation works, farmers may soon experience a shortage of water in the summer months as the springs start registering a shortfall in their yield.
Cremona then concludes that since the farmers spring lies immediately downstream of the site of the proposed cemetery and since the catchment area for the supply of the farmers’ spring encompasses the site of the proposed cemetery; the activities taking place at the site of the cemetery will have a direct negative impact on the natural freshwater sources in the area.
Today, the natural spring waters are not only 'milky white', but after the heavy rains from yesterday, the photo show that cement mixed with the spring water is coming out from what was once called "the natural spring waters".
This is a shame on the Gozo Catholic Authorities, MEPA and the Government. What else is expected now from ec(h)o-Gozo?
Recommended reading: click here.
il bdiewa huma dawk il persuni li ibatu meta jigri xi haga bhal din u kif dawk fil potter ma jatux kass jahsbu li l bdiewa mumiex importanti xi zball ghandhom
Farmers deserve our care and protection by all. They are a part of and foster our national economy.
seems that nobody cares about the farmers affected by the building of a new cemeteray in Nadur. SHould we care? Families, employment, economy, import, export, good product, all dashed by a cemetary and those whose only interest is themseves.
FARMERS voice your protest at the Cemetery in NADUR.
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