Friday, 8 February 2008

Job Opportunities for Gozitans (5).

Much had been said that Gozo should be promoted as tourist destination separately from Malta and not as an appendix of Malta's tourist product.

Fully agree.

What sort of action did the government invest in this regard? Any specific budget just to promote Gozo?

Alternattiva Demokratika acknowledges the fact that Gozo has a great deal to offer to the tourist apart from the climate.

Besides agricultural, fishing, manufacturing, tourism and services industries, AD gives full support to the heritage of Gozo.

Older properties could be sympathetically restored to enhance the character of the community - a good number of job opportunities in this sector. Indeed, jobs from the construction industry. And this is sustainable development.

Such a plan should include public transport and the integration of the 48% of empty dwellings in Gozo.

Some money needs to be diverted to cope with the increasing amount of litter which more often seems to be dumped in the countryside.

Job opportunities in alternative energies should be explored.

If these and more of similar points are addressed, Gozo will once again be valued for what it really is.

Please do go and read our 21 proposals for creating new, modern and sustainable jobs in Gozo by clicking here.

Watch an AD Press Conference on "More effort needed to create jobs in Gozo" :

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